Welcome to the Dutro Store
Dutro has made steel handtrucks, carts and dollies of all types for more than 75 years. Working generations trust our welded -steel material handling products because they perform for years and are unmatched for quality and durability. We continually re-work our designs based on professional feedback from our customers. These are the very best hand trucks, carts and dollies that money can buy.
Aluminum Hand Trucks
Appliance Hand Trucks
Beverage Hand Trucks
Convertible Hand Trucks
Cylinder Hand Trucks
Drum Dollies
Furniture and Piano Dollies
Hand Truck Curb Ramp
Hand Truck Parts & Accessories
Mattress Hand Carts
Platform Dollies
Retail Hand Trucks
Salesmen Hand Trucks
Service Hand Carts
Shovel Nose Hand Trucks
Specialty Hand Carts
Steel Delivery Hand Trucks
Stocking Hand Carts
Vending Machine Hand Trucks